Our Badge designs!
From time to time we put together a badge design that we can print on our ready made badges. Our ready made badges are all fabric badges which are pre made blank before they get to us. When we get them we print them with a full colour design. There are pro's and cons to this method:
We are limited to the size and shape of the badges- we mostly use circles of 8cm
We are limited to the edge colour- Presently we have access to Navy, Royal, Black, Red, and White.
Because we print onto the ready made blank badge if we print a full colour design up to the edge of the overlock there may be some white space, or a small amount of design colour on the overlock.
These are a great option for small numbers of badges in full colur
The designs are usually easy to personalise
They are cheaper to produce in small numbers than embroidered badges and you don;t need the quantity that woven badges do.
With all of these badges we are happy for you to have an option to personalise them- with a unit or peersons name etc. We will not be able to add any images unless they are provided in the correct format (vector). All badges are name to order and our standard returns policy applies. All badges have a standard wait to them as per our website.