About Us
We are a small, UK based family run business! I've never stopped to write our "business story" before but here goes!
Our business was originally started as a result of two events, the first- a car crash, preventing me from doing my usual job, and the second- a decision to buy an embroidery machine. At the time I was busy making bandanna bibs and feeding tube pads. During this time I also started producing items for the Uniformed Youth Organisation market. As a Scout and Ex Guide, it was easy to fall into this market and support leaders in finding what they need!
Since then we've produced clothing, marketing items and gift wear for all sorts of people from individuals looking for items for their business to huge businesses, and organisations- and everyone else inbetween! We can produce merchandise for businesses, orders for trips and events, products for confrences and much more. We've recently started to produce printed badges too- which are going down a storm.
In the future we would love to start attending events and producing items on site. We've spent the last 7 years slowly expending our equipment to allow us to produce a wide variety of items, and we are super excited to see where the next few years take us!